Tips for talking to your parents about birth control

Where might you have the conversation?
Choosing the right setting for the conversation about birth control can be just as important as what you say. It is important that you and your parent feel comfortable, and different locations can offer privacy or familiarity to help facilitate an open and honest conversation.
- At home
- During a car ride
- During a walk or hike
- At a coffee shop or casual restaurant
- In a park

Talking to a few different parent types…
The Open-Minded Parent

The Cautious Parent

The Strict Parent

Asking a parent’s consent for birth control
After asking, give them time to respond and process, without pressing for an immediate answer. Be ready to accept their response, understanding that they may need more time or may have additional concerns, regardless of whether their immediate answer is a ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ or ‘I need more time to think about it.’

Alternatives to talking to your parent
Other birth control methods
There are methods you can get without parental consent. You can buy condoms, spermicide cream, or emergency contraception (often known as Plan B) at your local drugstore like Walgreens or CVS without parental permission.