Every patient should have a positive experience with their healthcare provider. From scheduling an appointment to walking out with their preferred method of contraception, every step matters.
Trust Her provides support for clinic operations to meet the needs of their community. Patient-centered design thinking can be used to prioritize the experience and foster optimal clinic efficiency. Our work can result in flexible appointment hours for teens or a clinic process that reduces wait time or reproductive coercion.
Access to contraception has significantly helped to increase women's earning power and decrease the gender gap in pay.

Trust Her is expanding patient-centered care within Dallas County.
Trust Her examines current clinical ecosystems alongside patients and providers to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. We also collaborate with clinics to adjust their workflows so that patients enjoy a smoother experience while receiving the highest quality of care.
People of color face more barriers to accessing care, which includes preventive services, acute treatment, and chronic disease management.
Every woman should be able to decide whether contraception is right for her, and if so, which method she prefers.
Trust Her supports all clinics and clinic systems in providing same-day access to all methods of contraception whenever medically appropriate.
Same-day placement of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) versus placement at a subsequent visit resulted in a cost savings of more than half to the insurance provider.